What's Coming Up
Sunday 21st August 2022, 12pm - 3pm
Huddersfield Station 175th Anniversary Event (TransPennine Express)
Huddersfield Railway Station, St Georges Square, Huddersfield, HD1 1JB
Event Details
This community led event is designed to commemorate this significant anniversary in the life of our station, as well as recognising and celebrating the place it holds in the community and lives of the people of Huddersfield. As part of the event a newly commissioned piece of artwork 175 Years of Arrivals will be unveiled, local community groups will be present on stalls to talk about their work and a number of exhibits will be available to view.
Running Order
1145: Arrivals1200 – 1230: Welcomes, speeches and unveiling of artwork.
1240 – 1500: Artist-led activity to commence on the station, stalls to become available and video loop & exhibits to start in the first-class lounge
1500: Event ends
175 Years of Arrivals: Commissioned artwork commemorating the history of Huddersfield Railway Station and its place in the community. Created by Kevin Threlfall and Jo Blaker, input provided by the Huddersfield community through research and collaborative art sessions during the creation process.
Community Stalls: Stalls set up on platform one allowing community groups from Huddersfield to talk about work they’re doing, involve visitors to the station and raise awareness.
Video Looping: A loop of the Promenade piece “The town that bought itself” to be displayed on the television in the First Class Lounge, interleaved with historic footage of Huddersfield Station.
“The Town that Bought Itself”: Display of “The Town that Bought Itself”, a series of banners detailing the story of how the Huddersfield Corporation purchased the Ramsden estate in 1920, and the impact this had on the development of the town.
Ambulance Records: A collection of records from the Huddersfield Station Ambulance Class (first aid classes), discovered during a recent renovation project and reaching back as far as 1921.
Penistone Artwork Panels: A display of artwork panels which have been reproduced for display which will be available on Platform Two of the station. Arranged and displayed by The Penistone Line Partnership, our local Community Rail Partnership.
What comes next?: An exhibition stand produced by TransPennine Express and Network Rail, detailing the future face of the station that will be bought through this disruption and go on to serve the town for many years to come.
9th to 18th September 2022
Heritage Open Days
Click here for more details.